Oliver at 20 months

Oliver at 20 months

Another month has passed us by already.  Another month closer to that 2nd birthday, it’s crazy to think that in 4 months time you won’t be a one year old anymore.  This month has been a bit of a whirlwind.  We started off very busy with lots of days out, a holiday, but then we both got ill. So for 2 weeks adventures were off the books whilst I fought off two separate bugs.  Those 2 weeks you were an absolute star, which I am so thankful for.

At the start of the month we visited our wedding venue with you for the first time to celebrate our anniversary.  You loved running around the beautiful gardens, but were most intrigues with the pond, which you declared was the bath and instead you. must get in. Safe to say we didn’t let you and quickly hurried away from it!

We then went away on our first holiday as a family of three, to Centre Parcs Woburn Forest.  It was really nice to get away just the three of us.  You loved all the free running space and loved going swimming every day.  You were such a little daredevil and enjoyed all of the children’s water slides.  As soon as you came down you just kept telling us you wanted to do it again.  So as the great parents we are, we dutifully took it in turns to walk you back up to the top whilst the other one of us waited at the bottom to catch you!

On our way back we took a trip to Whipsnade to take you on your first trip to the zoo.  You LOVED it, and really loved pointing at all the animals.  The giraffes and Patagonian mara were your absolute favourites, you spent ages chasing the latter around!

This month you have become such a character, you can clearly let us know what you do and don’t want.  A nod or shake of the head answers most questions (you still have never said no, but will happily say yeah to most things).  Your speech is really coming along, you can say: mama, dada, bun, bath, back, down, banana, yeah, ‘tone (stone) and you happily mumble away incomprehensible words which are just so damn cute!

Your favourite foods are always fruits and vegetables.  You eat raspberries by the punnet (literally), and have finally started eating bananas and apples.  You don’t seem to be very keen to eat much at meal times, you have a little bit of each meal but would much rather have snacks in between.  Milk is one of your big loves at the moment, you probably drink at least a pint a day.  You have at the least a cup with breakfast and one or two at bedtime, and occasionally one in the middle of the day too.

I’m looking forward to the next month with you, I’m certain there will be plenty of autumn adventures and exciting times ahead of us!

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  1. October 24, 2017 / 11:18 am

    Awwww what a cheeky little chappie, love all the images! He drinks a pint of milk a day? He will be playing for Accrington Stanley soon enough 😉 Awww I hope he enjoys his second birthday when it’s his special day xx Sim #triumphanttales

  2. October 26, 2017 / 11:22 am

    I love this age where you can really see their character comeing out. You have a lovely little boy there.

  3. October 26, 2017 / 5:21 pm

    Aww my youngest is just a little older at 21 months and he too loves milk and snacking all day! Love seeing posts like this x

  4. October 27, 2017 / 9:09 pm

    We recently went to Whipsnade Zoo and the kids loved it! As did we. #TriumphantTales

  5. October 29, 2017 / 6:15 pm

    Lovely picks! Never underestimate the amount of fun yielded from a pumpkin patch! #triumphanttales

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