Getting rid of stains with ACE

Getting rid of stains with ACE

Ever since Oliver started nursery he’s constantly come home with marks on his clothes.  Be it paint because he’s refused to wear an apron or dirty marks on his knees wheres he’s fallen over outdoors.  I’m constantly washing his clothes and trying to find a stain remover that works well on those marks.  One of my all time favourite stain removal products are ACE.

Now the schools and nurseries are back in action, the washing pile is certainly bigger again.  Oliver loves nursery, but not a day goes by when he doesn’t come home with a stain or grubby mark on his clothes!  He loves painting at nursery, most days I find a new piece of art in his drawer.  But I also know he doesn’t often put an apron on, therefore he ends up with pain splatters all over his clothes!  He also loves running around, but quite often his little feet can’t quite keep up and he ends up on the floor.  A school playground always seems to accumulate that dirt which doesn’t come out without a little help, so his knees are always grubby!

ACE products are perfect to help remove all of those grubby marks.  A new product to me is the ACE Stain Remover Spray, you can use it to pre treat your stains.  Just spray it on and leave it before you wash.  I then stick a capful of the ACE for Colours in the drum when I put my wash on!  I quite often stick a capful of ACE for Colours in a wash just to keep my coloured clothes bright and fresh.  ACE is perfect for tackling grease and stubborn stains.

So it is the perfect stain remover for all those colourful stains your little ones come home from school or nursery with!  School uniform, PE kit and their play clothes will stay fresh, crisp and clean, ready for their school adventures.  It will gently remove the stains whilst keeping the colours of your clothes bright, and helping them last longer.

This post is an entry for the BritMums #ACEforSchool Challenge, sponsored by ACE. Get help for all kinds of stains with the ACE Stain Helper. or to buy head to your local Tesco’s, Morrison’s, Waitrose or Sainsbury’s.

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1 Comment

  1. October 15, 2018 / 8:08 pm

    Sounds like you have a creative genius in the family. Great to hear how you got on – commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part
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