22 week pregnancy update

22 week pregnancy update

I can’t quite believe I am already 22 weeks pregnant!  This pregnancy is passing by me so quickly. I told myself when I feel pregnant I would make sure I wrote weekly updates on here to document everything.  But the last one I wrote was at 16 weeks and I’m pretty sure that is the only one I actually wrote, oops!  With the blur of Christmas I just didn’t find the time, so hopefully now it’s a new year and I feel motivated, I can actually try and write them weekly or if not bi-weekly!  To be honest, the earlier weeks weren’t particularly interesting!  Now I have an actual bump I feel like more is going on.  But anyway!

What’s been happening with me?

This week I have been feeling a bit more tired out.  By mid afternoon I feel ready for a snooze, and I am really struggling to get through the days at work!  My bump grows as the day goes on, but it’s much more pronounced now!  I start the day with a small bump and by the end of the day I feel enormous!  I am wearing a mix of maternity and my normal clothes, I can still just about squeeze myself in!  My uniform at work is just about bursting at the seams, so I think this will be my last week before I swap into my maternity dresses.

I’ve handed my MAT B1 certificate into work and confirmed my maternity leave, I’m looking forward to starting my leave in mid-March.  I have used my annual leave at the start so that I can leave at 32 weeks.  I wanted to have some quality time with Oliver before his little brother arrives, and I really struggled working until 36 weeks last time around so I knew I wanted to go earlier this time.

This week I have been getting some back pain, but I think this is partially due to our bed invader taking up space in my bed!  That and Oliver is starting to get quite heavy to pick up.  And when he insists on being carried around I am starting to struggle! Other than that I have started getting the odd leg cramp in the evening.  This is something I remember having in my previous pregnancy, and can only expect it to worsen over the next few weeks.

I’m craving fruit, salad and fruit juice at the moment.  I think apple and pear juice is my favourite at the moment, I just can’t get enough!  10The only thing is with salad is I want one that’s been prepared for me, with a nice dressing on it.  My salads just don’t cut the bill!

What’s happening with the baby?

Well, if you follow my social media or Youtube channel, you will know that we found out it is another little boy!  I’m so excited, although slightly nervous, Oliver keeps me very busy, so if this little boy is anything like his big brother, I’m going to have my hands full!  He kicks about plenty and I I’m starting to notice more of a pattern to his movements.  At both my private and NHS scans he was in breech position.  Obviously he has plenty of time to move about, but I can feel most of his movement lower down.  So he’s obviously staying in that position for now!

According to my pregnancy app, he’s the size of an aubergine and weighs almost a pound.  Baby’s skin is still all wrinkled, and a pinkish red colour (which is still slightly translucent.  His limbs are proportionate to his body but he is still very skinny.  His brain is also starting a period of rapid growth and development.

I just can’t believe we are over halfway there already.  9 weeks of work left (I have a week off in there as well!) I think we need to start getting prepared!  We have a list of bits to buy for our little boy (I LOVE baby shopping) and its my aim to buy a couple bits each month to help spread the cost.  I’ve bought him a couple of new sleep suits for when he arrives.  I just can’t wait to have that little bundle in my arms, and sniff that newborn smell!

Ive linked up with Lets Talk Mommy’s Bumps and Babies linky!

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  1. January 19, 2018 / 7:28 pm

    Gorgeous bump we are just the same due I love it. Thank you ever so much for linking up and sharing with me. I thought if I documented my bump each week it would slow it down a bit more as it’s my last pregnancy but if anything it’s flying by and week after week I can’t believe it. We are over half way there lady!!! I am excited to follow your baby journey together with mine.We might be same day you never know. 🙂 #bumpsbabies

  2. January 20, 2018 / 8:41 pm

    I know exactly what you mean. I feel like the week’s are flying by (I’m 21 weeks tomorrow). I’ve yet to work out when I’m going to leave work and do all the HR bits at work. I need to get a move on as it’s moving so quick! #bumpsandbabies

  3. January 26, 2018 / 9:36 am

    Congratulations! It will be lovely for your son to have a little brother. Your cravings sound so healthy compared to the ones I had – hot cross buns with lots of butter for me!! (although I wonder if it was an excuse!) x #bumpsandbabies

  4. February 22, 2018 / 12:57 am

    Thank you Louise for sharing My 22 week Update post. Congratulations on your little baby boy to be!
    Very exciting. Time does fly by quickly.

    What are looking forward to most when you start your maternity leave?

  5. April 6, 2018 / 10:58 pm

    A beautiful post Louise about your growing bundle of joy! A boy! Exciting news!

    How did your son react to the news of a baby brother?

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