Christmas Gift Guide for Little Ones

With Christmas fast approaching, all our thoughts turn on to, what do we buy the little one this year? I’ve now got a baby and 2 year old (who will be almost 3 by Christmas) to buy for.  Although Henry will have no idea what’s going on, we can’t do…

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Weaning: how we’re doing it second time around

With weaning Henry looming over us, it’s got me thinking about how we are going to approach it second time around.  When we weaned Oliver, we went straight in with hardcore Baby-Led Weaning.  It was great at first, Oliver ate anything and everything (that he didn’t gag on!).  But later…

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Henry at 5 months old

How 5 months have passed is beyond me. (Well I’m late posting this so it’s a lot more than that!)  We’re almost at half a year of you being earth side and I can’t quite believe it!  You’ve become so much more of a person now, you smile at everyone,…

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Henry at 4 months

Every month I write these updates, I can’t quite believe it.  The time really flies by with a second baby.  Henry is such a chilled out baby and sometimes I feel the mum guilt that I can’t give him all my attention all of the time like his brother got.…

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Henry at 3 months old

Another month has passed us and Henry is just getting cuter by the day!  3 months old, where did that quarter of a year go? You are still a little chunk.  When I last had you weighed at around 10 weeks you were 16lb 6oz.  You had put on almost…

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